Thursday, May 6, 2010

EPO tests are not reliable

Hamburg / New York - And just before the start of the Tour de France and the Olympics: Danish researchers have dieZuverlässigkeit the current test procedure for the BlutdopingmittelErythropoietin (EPO) is doubtful.
Like the "Journal ofApplied Physiology" reported, according to a study with eight healthy subjects in the summer of 2007 zumTeil contradictory results.
The analysis was zweivon in the World Anti-Doping Agency WADA accredited Laborsvorgenommen and then by researchers at the Copenhagen center fürMuskelforschung evaluated.
"I've never seen such a drastic situation as siein This article describes," Rabin said WADA ForschungsdirektorOlivier the U.S. newspaper International Herald Tribune.
In an attempt eight Danish students was injected via a Zeitraumvon EPO four weeks - with the means to stimulate the production derRote blood cells and thus the oxygen transport capacity of the blood is artificially increased.
In the first Laborwurden some urine samples as positive, others only as a "suspect" classification. In the second laboratory study, there was the überhauptkeinen positive result, even though the subjects had regularly received EPO injections.