Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lufthansa is now doing to budget airlines

Berlin / Frankfurt --
Budget airlines like RyanAir and Air Berlin have showed how it - less space, less service, for cheaper airline tickets. Now wants to follow suit, the German Lufthansa.
The airline wants to become more efficient in the loss-making European routes and remove the low cost market share again. "It can not be right that we go with a lot of strength and managerial capacity to win one or the other foreign markets such as Switzerland or Austria as the home market and simultaneously lose important parts of our domestic market," said Deputy CEO Christoph Franz, the "world .
This should be specifically incorporated elements from the business model of budget airlines in some areas. For example, in Europe should be increased traffic, the seating density. In return, the backs of airplane seats would be thinner. Means closer seats, but more seats.
Currently, there are also six levels of service depending on the flight - from snacks to full dinners. That makes planning difficult, is very expensive and would therefore be reviewed as well, "said Franz continued. Says: Soon there may be fewer choices and less service.
The "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung," Franz said that it was illusory to try to transfer the concepts of low cost one to one on the business model of Lufthansa.
In addition, the agency with its subsidiary, Lufthansa German Wings has for some time to prove that they could with any other corporate brand in this segment as "moving quite well." There plans to take your money and extra for additional services such as other competitors, it is not currently, "Franz said, however, the market was being watched.
With regard to the individual group brands were told that the competition between the members of the airline alliance had "expressly requested". "If our companies do not exploit their opportunities in the market, it will do its competitors. We make sure that the competition effect for the benefit of the whole system. "