Friday, March 19, 2010

Cologne's doctor wants to save Maxim

Cologne - It is not yet three years old and already has so much to endure. Because of the small intestine without Lubin Maxim came out to the world, gave him his parents in Tomsk (Siberia) without hesitation in an orphanage. Three operations in Moscow did not help the little boy.
 But now there is hope. On Clean Monday Maxim is operated by Professor Dr. Thomas Boemers (49) in the children at the Amsterdam street. "One of 4,000 children with this malformation occurs on the world. Directly after birth, they received a colostomy. At the age of two months, we will operate, "says Professor Boemers.
In a complex operation is initially placed inside the small intestine of the body to the right place. Subsequently, an artificial sphincter is formed. Every year he treats 20 to 30 children from all over Germany and from abroad.
The big problem at the moment: The cost of this and a possible connection operation are high. A lot of money that Maxim's foster mother, Tatyana Melavanowa has not. "We start from 20,000 euros," the retired teacher Renate Kretschmer (68). Therefore Kretschmer has launched a fundraising campaign to life. "When I heard about Maxim's fate has me just so very moved."
Donations go to the account of the Kiwanis Leverkusen Relief Fund, account No. 102 020 096, Sparkasse Leverkusen, BLZ 375 514 40, Stichwort "Maxim".