Thursday, June 17, 2010

Baeck also knows: So not enough!

Cologne - Cologne's upward trend is stopped after 57:72 defeat in Frankfurt, stands for the 99ers before further tough relegation battle.
Still sporting director Stephan Baeck took positive: "Edin Bavcic has delivered a strong game. Angry that he could not play for alleged fouls in full. "
Also, the performance by newcomer Stevan Milosevic (seven points, eleven rebounds liked) Baeck, "He has implemented what we expected." Nevertheless, blandish can not defeat.
The 99ers were clearly shown the limits - with an average performance against top teams get nothing. Before Cracker against Oldenburg (Sunday, 17 clock), it is to include a new impetus. It also knows Baeck: "It is not enough if only a few players go to the limit. To work on, we will. "

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ex-DRC-boss shows no remorse

Aachen - He offered nothing to his defense: No guilt, no shame, no regret. The 58-year-old wollteoffensichtlich just save his skin.
Inglorious end einerKarriere, which began as a social worker and as manager beimDeutschen Red Cross (DRK) Aachen ended with a sudden crash.
The occurrence of a serious effort is ex-Red Cross chief since Monday because infidelity in 36 cases before the District Court of Aachen. The ersteVerhandlungstag granted an insight into the practices descaritativen Association, who also lives on donations and volunteering.
   In the process it comes to dubious teureDienstwagen consultants' fees and. In the man stumbled with preferences for schnelleAutos when he fuhr.Damit with an American sports car to work, he started the rumors in an environment he described the alsHaifischbecken to bubble.
   In almost 30 years, the Red Cross chief had Dienstwagengebracht to three. A 200-horsepower SUV ran over the account of the AachenerDRK. For a Chevrolet Corvette with 400 hp and 600 hp then a weiteremit 2005 and 2006, the lease rates were charged to the accounts of a small 1100Euro DRC subsidiary.
DerAngeklagte had with the old textile zweitenGeschäftsführerposten a service provider. In total he earned by the DRC verschiedeneAufgaben 16,000 €.
   The Corvette, he had not purchased in isolation behaupteteder man who was embarrassed in court to answer a little. "DerVorsitzende was informed in detail. The car has the Scheinabgesehen" said the defendant. Even the ehrenamtlicheSchatzmeister was aware of it. "The Treasurer dieerste Corvette for a leasing offer is made."
   Not even the Board had to 123 000 € Sportflitzerabsegnen expensive. The lease rates are just flat-surfaced in denWirtschaftsplänen, which then of the bodies - have been passed on the nod, were flat.
For the excitement around his sports car hatted car lovers can not understand. `Because you can argue about it, obes a Corvette had to be. In the U.S., driving the housewives damitzum shopping, "he said.
   The official scandal was the tip of the iceberg that brought dieErmittlungen rolling. These investigators also met with the CEO to the aufHonorarzahlungen ehrenamtlichenVorstandskollegen, according to the indictment in financial Schwierigkeitensteckte.
There were 32 smaller portions, extending from 2002 to 70 000 € 2006auf stately added, allegedly consultants' fees.
   With tedious details, the accused described his way vomSozialarbeiter at a youth center for managing dercaritativen organization that expanded under his leadership. Significant consultants needed that he had paid with the money.
"The istalles documented. These documents were up to damaligenZeitpunkt in the cupboards of the Board Room in the upper left of demBalkon subjects," he said.
   Harald Richter Brand had a different hypothesis. See it look as if money flowed to the Board his Geschäftsführernicht look as closely to the finger.
In other than the accused confessed his guilt habeder former chairman and reimburses die70.000 €. The prosecution then presented their investigative lung No.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Here comes a baby in a traffic jam to the world

Bangkok - The traffic in Bangkok is hellish. The streets of the eight-million city are always packed. Congestion in Bangkok is part of daily life such as curry dishes in the food stalls.
Especially for expectant mothers on the way to the maternity ward is a nightmare.
Therefore there is in the city now has a special baby-police: officials help of a special unit of traffic policemen in the car to bring children into the world. As in the photo on the right: just because a baby is on the seat of a car to the world.